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Thursday, June 27, 2013

GIVEAWAY!!! "The Queen's Rivals" by Brandy Purdy~Romantic Historical Fiction


Their ambitions were ordinary, but they were born too close to the throne...

As cousins of history's most tempestuous queens, Ladies Jane, Katherine, and Mary Grey were born in an age when all of London lived beneath the Tower's menacing shadow. Tyrannized by Bloody Mary and the Virgin Queen, the sisters feared love was unthinkable —and the scaffold all but unavoidable...

Raised to fear her royal blood and what it might lead men to do in her name, Mary Grey dreads what will become of herself and her elder sisters under the reigns of Mary Tudor and Elizabeth I. On their honor, they have no designs on the crown, yet are condemned to solitude, forbidden to wed. Though Mary, accustomed to dwelling in the shadows, the subject of whispers, may never catch the eye of a gentleman, her beautiful and brilliant sisters long for freedoms that would surely cost their lives. And so, wizened for her years, Mary can only hope for divine providence amid a bleak present and a future at the whim of the throne — unless destiny gains the upper hand.

A gripping and bittersweet tale of broken families and broken hearts, courage and conviction, The Queen's  Rivals   recounts an astonishing chapter in the hard-won battle for the Tudor throne.


US Publication Date: June 25, 2013
Kensington Publishing
Paperback; 384p
ISBN-10: 0758265999
Available:  Amazon & Barnes and Noble


Brandy Purdy (Emily Purdy in the UK) is the author of the historical novels THE CONFESSION OF PIERS GAVESTON, THE BOLEYN WIFE (THE TUDOR WIFE), THE TUDOR THRONE (MARY & ELIZABETH), THE QUEEN'S PLEASURE (A COURT AFFAIR), and THE QUEEN'S RIVALS (THE FALLEN QUEEN). An ardent book lover since early childhood, she first became interested in history at the age of nine or ten years old when she read a book of ghost stories which contained a chapter about Anne Boleyn haunting the Tower of London. Visit her website at www.brandypurdy.com, you can also follow her, and her cat Tabby, via her blog at http://brandypurdy.blogspot.com where she posts updates about her work and weekly book reviews.


Brandy Purdy's "The Queen's Rival" is heavy with romance and historical reenactment.  It's  a delightful read.  I count her unique in the ability to speak directly to her readers through an intelligent and engaging narrator, the Lady Mary Grey, in this beautifully crafted novel.  It's one her fans won't want to miss.  It's one readers new to her work can learn to love her by.

Ms Purdy's fine details and descriptions of decorative arts and dress are fabulous.  I was so taken in by the gowns in all their splendor, as well as the surroundings the young noblewomen Mary, Kate and Jane Grey lived with as a rule.  It was pure pleasure to read Brandy Purdy's opulent translations of those in the most flowery language.  I could see them in all their finery.  Such fun!

Characterization is strong in this book.  We learn the temperaments of Jane Grey and her sisters.  Jane is especially developed, and I was drawn in as I learned more about her as a person and queen of England.  I enjoyed all of the girls' trials and tribulations, as well as their loves and triumphs.  I was moved as they met their fates clinging to each other for love and support despite all odds.

This is a novel strong in gorgeous language.  It's a romantic historical fiction and not an ordinary one.  It's one that will hold your interest and your heart from the introduction to the last pages. 

5 stars           Deborah/TheBookishDame

Please also see:

The UK cover of the same book!
UK Publication Date: September 12, 2013
Avon Publishing
ISBN-10: 1847563457




This review was brought to you in cooperation with Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours; however, the review was strictly my own opinion and view of the book.

You may find more reviews, interviews and notes from Ms Purdy by clicking on this link to the tour:  http://hfvirturalbooktours.com


To enter this book giveaway....Please do the following:

1)  Leave your email address!

2)  Become a friend of this blog on GFC...see my sidebar

3)  Friend me on Twitter

This giveaway is for the US only. 

Thanks for participating!!  :]    Deborah



Sounds great!

Carol N Wong

I follow you on Twitter as Carolee and as Carol N Wong on GFC.

I would love to enjoy Brandy Prudy's latest book and learn more about the Grey sisters.


Angela - Bookaunt

Thank you for the chance to win this book. I am a fan of Brandy's. I am a gfc follower as well as twitter - griperang

griperang at embarqmail dot com


Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow via gfc mamabunny13

mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

Colleen Turner

I can't wait to read this book! I would love to see the drama and excitement through the eyes of Mary Grey. Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC follower (Colleen Turner)
Twitter follower (@candc320)

Lara Newell

I follow on GFC and email!

lafra86 at gmail dot com

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