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  • Suspense and Thrillers
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Sunday, May 20, 2012

"The 500" by Matthew Quirk~A Blockbuster! It's Thrilling!

Every so often a new author comes to the fore-front who  just makes it exciting to read.  Every so often a book isn't just "good," it becomes mind-boggling and bone-shaking good!  And, every so often we know we're in the hands of a writer who will be shaking things up in years to come.  Matthew Quirk is such an author.  His "The 500" is simply a fantastic read.

I'm thrilled to tell you we have a writer on board who will absolutely sit you down hard in your chair and freeze you there for hours...for however long it takes you to read his book.  Better take time over the weekend, or a sick day or two...this is a blockbuster of a suspense novel and it's going to be talked about everywhere!  You don't want to be embarrassed at the next party, not having read it this summer.  I'm telling you, it's an unequivocal 5 stars from me!!

Quirk's protagonist, Mike Ford, is a street wise, ex-con, but also a young man of morals and convictions who finds himself caught up in a world of major corruption.  The bind he finds himself in by insidiously being brought in to the inner sanctum of a Washington, DC, consulting/lobbying-type firm will have you holding your breath for him. It's nearly heart-stopping and heart-breaking because any of us knows we could be in his shoes at any time given some of his circumstances.

This novel is powerful. I can only say that I'm now a huge fan of Matthew Quirk.  I don't know where he came from, but thankfully Regan Arthur found him and sent his book my way!  I can't wait for his next one.  Anyone who loves stories about DC will enjoy this book, but it's much more than a novel about Washington and the big 500 corporations...  It's a deadly game and it's as absorbing a story as I've ever read.

Both women and men will love this book.    Again, 5 stars blazing from me!

Particulars of the Book :
Published by:  Reagan Arthur/Little, Brown & Co.
Pages:  336
Genre:  Political Thriller/Fiction/Suspense
Author's website:  http://matthewquirk.com

Book Summary:

A gripping thriller debut, set deep in the heart of the world's most powerful political arena
A year ago, fresh out of Harvard Law School, Mike Ford landed his dream job at the Davies Group, Washington's most powerful consulting firm. Now, he's staring down the barrel of a gun, pursued by two of the world's most dangerous men. To get out, he'll have to do all the things he thought he'd never do again: lie, cheat, steal-and this time, maybe even kill.

Mike grew up in a world of small-stakes con men, learning lessons at his father's knee. His hard-won success in college and law school was his ticket out. As the Davies Group's rising star, he rubs shoulders with "The 500," the elite men and women who really run Washington — and the world. But peddling influence, he soon learns, is familiar work: even with a pedigree, a con is still a con.

Combining the best elements of political intrigue and heart-stopping action, THE 500 is an explosive debut, one that calls to mind classic thrillers like The Firm and Presumed Innocent. In Mike Ford, readers will discover a new hero who learns that the higher the climb, the harder — and deadlier — the fall.

Who Is Matthew Quirk :
Matthew Quirk studied history and literature at Harvard College. After graduation, he spent five years at The Atlantic reporting on crimes, private military contractors, the opium trade, terrorism prosecutions, and international gangs. He lives outside Washington, D.C.

Find Mr. Quirk's book at:  Barnes and Noble
or at:  Amazon

And This Just In !!!   20th Century Fox Acquires Rights to the Movie!!!
See this link:  http://collider.com/the-five-hundred-20th-century-fox/79341/

Again,  you can find out more about "The 500" and read an Excerpt on:

Thanks for stopping...I'm glad you did!     Deborah/TheBookishDame



I've been really excited about this book, so I'm glad to see it's so good!


Kathy, It's really good! I highly recommend it!


This looks awesome!!!!!! And they're making a movie! How cool is that!

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