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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Library Haul This Week...I Went Aground!

I know, right?  That Nalini Singh book "Tangle of Need" just leaps off the picture!  I became a fan of hers when I was thrust into reading a copy of one of her books a couple of years ago on Netgalley, I think.  She is, (and I quote Booklist here) "The alpha author of paranormal romance."  Her men are to DIE for and I'm really not even into the whole thing, believe me.
So, when I was perusing the new books in fiction at the library, this one reached out and grabbed me.  Isn't the cover hot!?
About wolf changlings, I gather....  :]
Anyway, I have to tell you I went to the library with a list of books I wanted to find and came home with not one of them!
They were all checked out or already on hold.
I don't know if you know about Naples, FL, where I live, but it's a community that has a small town feel with the "year 'round" people (of which I'm one), and then we have a large group of people who come down here just for the winter.  Generally, they're called "snow birds," but I call them "winter hawks."
I call them that because it better describes how we natives really feel about most of them.  They clog the traffic, act like they own our town and amenities, get pretentious, take all the new books from "my" library, reserve all the seats in the restaurants...well, you get the drift.  Ordinarily, we're a small, quiet town...rather laid back. Pleasant people.
When "the birds" are around, we have to fight for space!!
So, while most of the year I can always find the newest books I need on my library shelves, in season...they're gone!  Rats!!
The above represents what I found in total.  Here's the breakdown:
Short Summary:
When Betsey disembarks from the London train in the seaside resort of Idensea, all she owns is a small valise and a canary in a cage. After attempting to forge a letter of reference she knew would be denied her, Betsey has been fired from the typing pool of her previous employer. Her vigorous protest left one man wounded, another jilted, and her character permanently besmirched...

Couldn't resist this one.  It's been on my TBR list for a couple of weeks, so I was gasping when I found it.  Grabbed it quickly before a bird beak pecked...

Short Summary:
The year is 1919 and the Great War has ended. Sergeant Quinn Walker--with a damaged body and soul from his wartime experiences--decides to return home to the small and desolate town of Flint, Australia, to set right the past. Ten years earlier, he had fled following the horrific rape and murder of his beloved younger sister Sarah--a crime that everyone, including his family, believed Quinn committed.
See!!  Aren't you glad I got this one for a review!?  I can't wait to read it.  Doesn't it sound good?
Small Summary which doesn't do this one justice:
A young woman tries to save three people she loves in this elegant and remarkably insightful coming-of-age debut.

Afraid of losing her parents at a young age—her father with his weak heart, her deeply depressed mother—Naomi Feinstein prepared single-mindedly for a prestigious future as a doctor.

This one takes place around Wellesley College and I nearly fell over having to get this one.  I would have torn it from the hands of a bird!  Notice the bird on the cover....  I raised my children in Wellesley, MA, and loved the community...love my friends there.  Had to have this one to read.

                                       Now, 2 audio books:

Synopsis in a nutshell...
It is 1940. France has fallen. Bombs are dropping on London. And President Roosevelt is promising he won't send our boys to fight in "foreign wars." "But American radio gal Frankie Bard, the first woman to report from the Blitz in London, wants nothing more than to bring the war home. Frankie's radio dispatches crackle across the Atlantic Ocean, imploring listeners to pay attention - as the Nazis bomb London nightly, and Jewish refugees stream across Europe...
This is really not the gorgeous cover of the audiobook I have, but same book.  My husband and I were actually fortune enough to see Sarah Blake at the Miami Book Fair a couple of years ago and to hear her talk about this book.  She was such a class act and very funny!  I started reading it
but never finished it, so I'm looking forward to this on audio.
I'll post a review...
New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Berg takes us to Chicago at the time of World War II in this wonderful story about three sisters, their lively Irish family, and the men they love.
As the novel opens, Kitty and Louise Heaney say good-bye to their boyfriends Julian and Michael, who are going to fight overseas. On the domestic front, meat is rationed, children participate in metal drives, and Tommy Dorsey and Glenn Miller play songs that offer hope and lift spirits...

You know I'm such a sucker for WWII stories, so I couldn't resist this novel, either.  I'm going to have to find time to listen.  This one is 8 discs...  Elizabeth Berg is a wonderful author.

                                That's my Library Haul this week.

Did you get to the library?  What did you find?  I also downloaded
"The Chaperone" by Moriarty for listening on my laptop, and I'm reading "The Avalon Ladies Scrapbooking Society" tonight for a review tomorrow....

Busy and loving my reading and scrounging for books.   Let me know if you've found any inventive ways to find books.  I saw that one person on YouTube had a money challenge.  She gave herself $20. and set about seeing how many books she could find for within that amount.  I'm thinking about trying that in Feb.

What other good ideas do you have??




You'll have a tough time deciding which one to read first!


Oh man! What great books! Read fast because I want to hear your thoughts. I'm on a huge library kick lately too (shouldn't be since my shelves are overflowing with to-read books I own). Bereft sounds so interesting. Read that one soon!

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