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  • Suspense and Thrillers
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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cover Reveal "Austensibly Ordinary" by Alyssa Goodnight

Ms Goodnight announces: "I’ve been waiting weeks to reveal the cover for my January 2013 release, and finally I have been given permission. So, may I present AUSTENSIBLY ORDINARY. Its release date is January 29, 2013, which is exactly two hundred years and ONE DAY after the publication of Pride & Prejudice!!"

I, for one and hundreds, can hardly wait to read this one!  Beautiful cover and Alyssa Goodnight is a fine writer as evidenced in her last book:

Visit Alyssa and find out more about her and her books here:  http://alyssagoodnight.com



What's the book about?


This is just a cover reveal! LOL Sneaky!! You'll have to wait and see what the book is about... :P

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